My research interests are in the area of continuous optimization and algorithmic complexity.

More recently, I have also been actively involved in the following projects:

  • Çaglar Çaglayan, Yunan Liu, Turgay Ayer, et al. Physician staffing in emergency rooms (ERs): Opening the black-box of ER care via a multi-class multi-stage network. (Under revision at Management Science.)

  • Renato D.C. Monteiro, Jacob M. Aguirre, Anton J. Kleywegt. Hybrid Approaches for Large-Scale Linear Programs (Working paper)
  • Jacob M. Aguirre, Anton J. Kleywegt, Renato D.C. Monteiro. Efficient algorithms for Bicriteria Traffic Assignment (Working paper)
  • Jacob Aguirre, Shrey Patel, Ruirui Ma. A Review of High Dimensional Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Methods Undergrad course paper